
Who is responsible?

Yesterday I had a very awful experience watching a little puppy getting killed. I was in my car driving on the road when I saw it. Little being trying to find someone who took care of him. I was gonna stop but I saw two women walking near it. Since i was in my car with my baby and on the road I said to myself "this women will put it in a safe place". But for my surprise ( I was watching through the little mirror in the car, driving home already) they just stood still watching how it started to cross the road. So a car came and ran over it. Lots of emotions invaded me. I felt bad. I felt angry. I felt sad. I felt guilty. I went on driving. Crying.

So now that I have the opportunity to be calmed down I think: Why do people abandon the animals in first place? Why don't they just sterelize their pets? Why don't they even give the animals their shots? .

It all comes down to  basic care. I saw on the TV hundreds of people against a provincial program to put to death 10 thousand dogs that were sick (In a matter of 3 years). That sickness is trasmited to humans. But people stood by the best's human's friend and finally the program was cancelled. Wouldn't it be easier if we defended with so much emphasys that owners took care of theit pets and go to veterinarian to give the dog's shot? We blame the goverment, we blame the big companies but when it all comes down to our daily-practise we do nothing. If those dogs had the shot in first place they wouldn't be sick. And they wouldnt be a menace for public health. Now who is gonna take care of those animals?.

Of course Im agaisnt killing. But I am ProLife. And we are the ones responsibles for having our pets. We need to learn that taking care of their health is also part of that responsibility, and if you really love your pets you can't let them reproduce as their will. Because they have insticts and they will always  follow that instincts.  You can't be so unfair to help little beings to come to this world to later be ran over by a car or dead of hunger. That is way more cruel than killing a sick dog. Not making health prevention and obligue a being to live its life sick its more cruel than killing a sick dog. But when it comes to practise most animal lovers forget about it. Of course if a japanese big company kills a whale there is a big fuss... but who buys the whale meat? It isnt the company. Its people. Like you, like me. We need to start making changes for our animals. And every change starts from you: Teach people about animal health prevention; If you find a dog or a cat and you want to give it on adoption make sure the new owner sterilizes it or do it yourself; Don't pollute it will affect you and the rest; Be coherent. And of course. Give your pet all the love you can give,because with pets you can always expect to have same love back.