

The Eisteddfod is a traditional Welsh festivity that includes music, dancing and poetry. The word Eisteddfod means "To be sit". The festivity is hold in Whales, Australia and Argentina. I am gonna talk a bit about the argentinean one.
The Argentinean government gave the opportunity to the welsh community to establish themselves in a new place where they wouldn't be judged by their religion, costumes or language. Lewis Jones and Edwyin C. Roberts prepared all burocratic issues before the first boat arrived to Argentina, in 1865. Since then they have nurtured their culture and kept it alive.
The Eisteddfod is hold in Trevelin (Town), Gaiman (town), Puerto Madryn (city) and Trelew(city). Gaiman and Trevelin are the biggest references of welsh towns in Argentina. Trelew is a big city where the most important Eisteddfod is hold, in October. Though the city itself isn't a pure and exclusive welsh place, it is influenced by Gaiman that is next to it. Puerto Madryn is a city by the sea, also influenced a bit by the welsh culture.

This is the welsh flag! A dragon ! how cool is that haha!