
Dealing with ankle pain!!

Well I do not like dealing with pain in my ankles, who does ? This Saturday after practise I was feeling lots of pain and used this method to reduce pain that my orthopedic gave me: 

(15 mins approx,  or less if you can't deal with it)

Yeah, well you could put ice directly on the area or just put cold water with some ice in a pail.. I personally put some ice inside a fabric tissue and put it over the treated area.

Hot Water + Salt
Same amount of time of ice


I surprised you! I know you already knew about Ice, but this treatment goes like this: 15 minutes cold, 15 minutes hot and it will have more  inflammatory results. You should add some salt to the water to have an even better result. Do it as many times a day you can and try to take a rest from dancing for at least one day 

This is a good thing to do after a long practise, or before a competition. There is no contradiction to this though always see a doctor if your pain is persistent. 

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