
Organizing Irish Dance Workshop update no.3

Besides sewing and crafting xmas gifts, I'm still on the road of organizing the Irish Dance workshop we are having in january.

I am almost done!

1) Transportation. The teacher will be buying the connection bus ticket so if the bus is late he doesn't lose the ticket.

2) Accommodation. Ready!  from 4 to 6 he is staying in my house then from 7 to 11 in a cottage (oops. don't know if that is the exact word)

3) Ceili Night. Looking for sponsors to print the flyers, we are going to make a radio advertisement too!
This is the almost finished flyer the sponsors go on the bottom.

4) Last Day. Either gathering together to have dinner, drink some beers and dance, or have one more class or having a nice day together, when we get together we will decide how the last day of the work will be

5)Place to hold the workshop. Still need to buy the big mirror.

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