

Yesterday I went to my dancing lessons. An  hour later I had almost every leg muscle soaring (and it is a 2hour class), and they still do.

Why? Seriously, I don't know... maybe it's the cold weather, or maybe I was a little too enthusiast about my dress and should have done a little bit more of physical activity. Maybe a week between my dancing classes is a little bit too much and  I should practice twice a week. I will try to start practicing on my own on fridays or at least try to.

Another thing I notice is that I totally forgot is about ab work, Ive been so busy in everything else that I completely forgot about my routine. And it seems human body is so lazy that if you forget for a little period of time of a physical activity you have to start from scratch like if you had never in your hole life made it before. That is really frustrating but, for the sake of my dancing I should start with that routine as soon as possible.