
My students finally got the jig!

So after some weeks of trying and trying my students finally learned the complete steps of our beginner light jig.

The timing made it harder, those fast little steps in the end were very hard to get. (they are even hard for me when there is slippery floor).

So after a "we are stuck" class I came home  with one thing in my mind: They are learning this dance next class. So I watched a video of myself and my teacher dancing the jig to have it super incorporated. Next I looked through all of my music to a more "slow" light jig. Seriously I only could find one song that is slightly more slow.

It seems that more determination payed well. Not only they learned the last step, they performed the full dance in time with no mistakes!

This is a caption of the video:

I'm the one on the left. YES I KNOW MY ARMS !!!
aw I didn't even have my ghillies <3
I need to take more actual pictures.
Note: the skirt of the picture doesn't fit me yet :-(

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