
My second class as an assistant

Today we practised the whole step of a very easy two hand beginner reel. They did great job! they go so fast that adding new students scares me because im afraid my actual students get bored while the others catch up. Anyway I am going to put somne flyers because in our town's cultural place some people asked for Irish dancing and they said it was cancelled since my teacher is pregnant. So we talked with my teacher and she was ok for me to try to get more people interested so next year we have more dancers(the students I have right now begged for a student or someone to give them lessons).
Also my friend who owns the place I rent for giving the lessons asked me to teach to little kids. Something very recreational, she has a little daughter who wants to come always to my class but since we are adults she can't come. I'm not pretty sure about it because my teacher only teaches adults (and she works with kids so I DOUBT she will want to take a kids class) and I don't know how much I can teach them If they go too far.  But on the other hand It would be fun oriented plus learning a little basics and my son could assist with me.

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